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The creation and launch of an institutional platform of experts has been planned as one of the main milestones of the PUCAFREU project, co-funded by the EC and coordinated by the French research centre MIGRINTER-CNRS- based at the University of Poitiers.

The aim of this international, multidisciplinary platform is to assemble a group of people working in different academic, institutional or associative fields, either directly or indirectly with unaccompanied children, in order to exchange information and good practices, denounce violations of rights, or practices of institutional mistreatment as well as raise awareness and knowledge of both a specialised audience and the general public on the situation of unaccompanied children living in Europe.

This platform will be integrated within the structure of the Observatory on the Migration of Minors (OMM), financially supported by the Foundation of the University of Poitiers and CNRS and hosted by the research centre MIGRINTER.

The platform focuses on two main themes:

  1. Countries of origin and all related questions such as the root causes of migration, childhood and family situations, and migration routes.
  2. National and local policies at a European level with two main objectives:
    1. Identification of good practices;
    2. Analysis of the conformity of law and practices with the CRC.

→ These two themes constitute the core of the two working groups constituted by the Platform:

  • COI group (countries of origin);
  • PGP group (policies and good practice)

The platform will have a three tier structure composed of:

  1. A coordination team (based at the research centre MIGINTER, Poitiers, France, at least until the end of 2015);
  2. Active members who are those engaged and participating regularly in the activities of the Platform (publications, annual meetings, other actions);
  3. Associated members, who are those who sporadically participate or collaborate in the Platform actions.

Concerning membership, an advantage of the Platform is the diversity of profiles (academics and practitioners) and fields of expertise involved (combining legal and social sciences). The kind of participation in the Platform (individual) also a way of distinguishing it from the SCEP network (Separated Children in Europe Programme), which remains an institutional network mainly represented by DEI and Save the Children.

As a first step, the Common declaration signed and released in April 2013 represents the basis of common values shared by the members of the Platform and it puts forward different issues concerning the situation of unaccompanied and separated migrant children and their lack of protection. The Common declaration on the situation of unaccompanied and separated children is available below:

Common declaration of the Platform of Experts on the Migration of Minors : ”COMMON DECLARATION ON THE SITUATION OF UNACCOMPANIED AND SEPARATED CHILDREN LACKING PROTECTION IN EUROPE ” : version anglaise PDF

PEMM Common declaration and list of endorsements

La Déclaration Commune de la Plateforme d’experts sur la Migration des Mineurs “DECLARATION COMMUNE SUR LA SITUATION DES MINEURS NON ACCOMPAGNES ET SEPARES  SANS PROTECTION EN EUROPE” : version française PDF

PEMM Déclaration commune et liste de signatures



Observatoire sur la migration de mineurs