Publication of the V ANCI report on Unaccompanied and Separated Migrant Children in Italy

The 5th ANCI report was coordinated by Monia Giovennetti of the Cittalia Foundation and collaborator of the OMM. This report proposes, amongst other content, an exhaustive statistical analysis of the presence of unaccompanied and separated migrant children (known as ” ‘minori stranieri non accompagnatti”) in Italy

The report is available for download at the following link (in Italian)

V° Rapporto ANCI Cittalia 2013

V° Rapporto ANCI Cittalia 2013 (Guarda l’infografica)

The data gathered confirms that the transalpine state is one of the European territories which receives the largest number of unaccompanied and separated children; 9,104 in 2012. These figures imply a nearly twofold rise (98,4%) compared to the number of migrant children registered in 2010 (4,588)

This report also shows the number of migrant children who voluntarily abandon reception centres; of the 9,104 children identified in 2012 that received initial care (minori presi in carico) only 6,551 were placed in first reception centres (prima accoglienza) and less than half, 4,181, were able to access 2nd tier care facilities (2ª accoglienza)

Regarding the most represented countries of origin, the predominant group originates from Bangladesh (28,5%), followed by Egypt (12,4%) and Afghanistan (10,2%). Boys constitute 94,6% of cases and 16-17 year olds 83,5%.

For further information and reading, visit the website of the Cittalia Foundation at the following link:

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Mark Jones (24 juin 2014). Publication of the V ANCI report on Unaccompanied and Separated Migrant Children in Italy. OMM. Consulté le 16 janvier 2025 à l’adresse